
来源: kaiyun平台官网登录 以及其他典型SST系列单片机解密需求者请与耐斯迪芯片解密研究所联系。依靠长期以来的解密技术攻关以及实际解密验证,目前,耐斯迪芯片解密研究所已经全线突破SST系列单片机解密,针对该系列所有单片机,我们均能够提供优质可靠的解密服务。下面我们提供对SST89E564RD单片机的主要技术特征介绍,帮助广大客户及技术工程师进行技术参考借鉴,方便在芯片解密项目合作过程中进行技术理解和沟通。
  8-bit 8051 Family Compatible Microcontroller(MCU) with Embedded SuperFlash Memory
  SST89E564RD/SST89E554RC is 5V Operation
  – 0 to 40 MHz Operation at 5V
  SST89V564RD/SST89V554RC is 3V Operation
  – 0 to 25 MHz Operation at 3V
  Fully Software and Development Toolset
  Compatible as well as Pin-For-Pin Package
  Compatible with Standard 8xC5x Microcontrollers
  1 KByte Register/Data RAM
  Dual Block SuperFlash EEPROM
  – SST89E564RD/SST89V564RD: 64 KByte primary block + 8 KByte secondary block (128-Byte sector size)
  – SST89E554RC/SST89V554RC: 32 KByte primary block + 8 KByte secondary block(128-Byte sector size)
  – Individual Block Security Lock
  – Concurrent Operation during In-Application
  Programming (IAP)
  – Block Address Re-mapping
  Support External Address Range up to 64 KByte of Program and Data Memory
  Three High-Current Drive Pins (16 mA each)
  Three 16-bit Timers/Counters
  Full-Duplex Enhanced UART
  – Framing error detection
  – Automatic address recognition
  Nine Interrupt Sources at 4 Priority Levels
  Watchdog Timer (WDT)
  Programmable Counter Array (PCA)
  Four 8-bit I/O Ports (32 I/O Pins)
  Second DPTR register
  Reduce EMI Mode (Inhibit ALE through AUXR SFR)
  SPI Serial Interface
  TTL- and CMOS-Compatible Logic Levels
  Brown-out Detection
  Extended Power-Saving Modes
  – Idle Mode
  – Power Down Mode with External Interrupt Wake-up
  – Standby (Stop Clock) Mode
  PDIP-40, PLCC-44 and TQFP-44 Packages
  Temperature Ranges:
  – Commercial (0°C to +70°C)
  – Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)